Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Anti-Immigration legislation state by state

Source: Latina Magazine

1. Florida

Bill similar to SB 1070 in AZ will take effect July 29, 2010. FL Representative William Snyder of Stuart says, “it is something that has a great need in this state with such a large illegal immigration population."

2. Nebraska

Nebraska passes immigration law to ban hiring or renting undocumented immigrants during a special election June 21, 2010.

3. New Jersey

In September, 2006, the Township Committee in Riverside, NJ became the first municipality in New Jersey to enact legislation penalizing anyone who employed or rented to an illegal immigrant.

4. Pennsylvania

July 26, 2007, in the first decision of its kind, the federal court struck down a local anti-immigration ordinance in law in Hazelton, PA that sought to punish landlords and business owners who did business with undocumented immigrants, declaring it unconstitutional.

5. Missouri

March 12, 2007, after MALDEF filed a suit (Gray v. City of Valley Park, Missouri) the city repealed an anti-immigration ordinance that attempted to impose penalties on landlords and businesses for hiring or renting to undocumented workers.

6. Texas

Although known as a supporter of Gov. Jan Brewer and AZ before a national audience, Gov. rick Perry told 2000 Latinos at a National Council of La Raza gathering that he would oppose adopting a similar law in Texas. “It "may be right for Arizona, but it ain't exactly right for Texas," the governor said."

7. Oklahoma

Rep. Randy Terrill (chairman of the Public Safety and Judiciary Committee in the Oklahoma House) says he hopes his state’s immigration laws will one day mirror AZ. Oklahoma also proposed laws making it a felony for an undocumented immigrant to own a toy gun. In 2007, the state adopted legislation proposed by Rep. Terrill that made it a felony to knowingly provide transport or shelter to an illegal immigrant, and blocked illegal immigrants from obtaining driver's licenses and tuition.

8. South Carolina

Gov. Mark Sanford touted new measures that forced businesses to check the immigration status of their workers and made harboring and transporting illegal immigrants a state crime. State lawmakers also drew up an Arizona-style bill this year that they expect to be introduced again in January 2011.

9. Utah

A list containing the personal information and supposed immigration status of 1300 Utah residents was released to the media and the public by an anonymous group in July 2010. The group demanded that the individuals be deported immediately. Earlier in the month several Utah lawmakers also group visited Arizona last week on a fact-finding expedition. Utah's Republican governor, Gary Herbert, said he expects to sign some form of immigration legislation next year.

10. Georgia

July 2010, Congressman Graves co-sponsored the Charlie Norwood CLEAR Act and former Congressman Nathan Deal’s Birthright Citizenship Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. The CLEAR Act would allow law enforcement to identify and remove violent criminal illegal immigrants and would allow local law enforcement to identify and detain undocumented immigrants with criminal records.  The Birthright Citizenship Act would prohibit a child born in the United States from automatic citizenship if both of the parents are illegal immigrants.

11. Maryland

Prince William County, Loudoun County and Frederick County in Maryland participate in 287(g), which deputizes local law enforcement officials to enforce certain federal immigration laws. But Maryland state Del. Pat McDonough, R-Baltimore, said the federal government’s lawsuit against Arizona will not affect his plans to introduce a similar bill during next year's General Assembly session.

12. Arizona

Friday, April 23, 2010, AZ Governor Jan Brewer signs SB 1070 into law. The law, which goes into effect July 29, 2010, empowers law enforcement to detain or demand papers from anyone who they think may be “illegal” based on “reasonable suspicion.” Opposers of the law say it essentially legalizes racial profiling and targets Latinos.

13. Virginia

Virginia state Del. Dave Albo, R-Fairfax, proposed a law in the 2007 Virginia General Assembly similar to Arizona's law. It passed the House of Delegates but was killed in the state Senate.

14. Colorado

"Under Colorado's law, local law enforcement must only report people whom they have arrested — but not necessarily detained — for another crime to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement if they have "probable cause" to think the person is in the country illegally.

15. Mississippi

Mississippi is considering implementing immigration laws similar to SB 1070 in Arizona The law basically demands that registration documents must be carried by individuals and is  aimed at those involved in casual labor such as day laborers.

16. Minnesota

Lawmakers in Minnesota expect laws styled after Arizona’s controversial immigration law to be introduced in the state’s legislative sessions next year.

17. North Carolina

A Republican-controlled county commission in North Carolina is endorsing Arizona's new immigration law. The Star-News of Wilmington reported Tuesday the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution supporting the law. A resolution is simply the board's opinion and carries no legal authority. New Hanover may be the first North Carolina county to adopt such a measure.

18. North Dakota

"Lawmakers in North Dakota expect laws styled after Arizona’s controversial immigration law to be introduced during legislative sessions next year... “It’s probably a good discussion to have,” said Rep. Al Carlson, the Republican from Fargo who is majority leader in the North Dakota House of Representatives, on July 11, 2010. “States are going to look at it, and obviously we will, too.”

19. Arkansas

In May 2010 Republican Representative John Burris of Harrison said, "I think we need to watch Arizona, see how their law that they passed effects illegal immigration in their state and then when we go into session in January we need to do what we can to effect illegal immigration in our state."

20. Idaho

Sen. Mike Jorgenson, a Hayden Lake Republican who has tried unsuccessfully to enact a law to punish Idaho employers who knowingly hire undocumented immigrants, vowed to push “an exact duplicate of the Arizona law” in the 2011 Legislature."

21. Indiana

May 2010, Sen. Mike Delph, R-Carmel, told The Associated Press that he'll introduce some type of immigration legislation in Indiana if Congress and the Obama administration do not act soon on illegal immigration. Delph said he wants to see how the Arizona law plays out before determining the details of his proposal for Indiana.  Delph has proposed bills aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration before, but they've never won the approval from the General Assembly, where Republicans control the Senate and Democrats control the House.

22. Michigan

Rep. Kim Meltzer, R-Clinton Township, is drafting a bill that would give police officers the authority to arrest undocumented immigrants who are stopped and questioned on another offense, while Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard is making immigration a key topic in his race for the Republican nomination for Michigan state governor.

23. Rhode Island

On May 19, 2010 legislation that closely resembles Arizona’s SB 1070 was introduced in Rhode Island by Rep. Peter Palumbo, a conservative Democrat, and four co-sponsors. Much of the Rhode Island bill, H 8142, is taken verbatim from the Arizona’s SB 1070.

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